
learning is life-long!

We are pleased to announce that our Vice-principal, Richard Chong has been conferred with the Master of Education (Early Childhood) 【硕士学位(学前教育专科)】from the National Institute of Education (NIE) of Singapore 【新加坡南洋理工大学国立教育学院】in NTU (NIE) Convocation 2022

Richard emulated the spirits of life-long learning in returning to school again to study early childhood education after transiting from his career in engineering (B.Eng, NTU). Today, he emerged not only as a trained preschool teacher, but also as a certified infant teacher and a phonics teacher! All these for his passion in education for young children, well done Richard!


ECDA Beanstalk (Jul-Sep 2021) edition [URL]: As the Focus and main highlight of the magazine, our centre principal Alfred Chong along with our parent, Mdm Irene Tan were interviewed for our perspectives towards children's discovery of the world. In the interview, Alfred shared about the immense learning opportunities which children can derive from discovering the world. He also shared how these discoveries happen in our preschool through our learning experiences and their impacts on our children's learning and development. Mdm Irene Tan also provided her perspectives as a parent who found discovering the world very critical to young children, especially in developing them to respect cultural diversity. 


Our preschool was featured by the Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA) of Singapore. ECDA was interested to discover our preschool’s teaching philosophy and approach in Experiential Learning to ignite children’s curiosity and discovery of the world. They invited us to share our teaching knowledge with the early childhood sector and we accepted the honours to share our teaching videos on the ECDA platform for all parents and fellow EC educators nationwide. 

Click on video titles [3-parts] below to view ECDA version at eBeanstalk:
1) Discovery of the World through Colour Potions  
2) Discovery of the World through Recycling Materials: Saving Gaia
3) Discovery of the World through Upcycled Plant Pots 

Or watch our extended version here!

woodlands zone 9 residents' network

Our preschool was featured [URL] for our collaboration with our community partner, Woodlands Zone 9 Residents' Network. As they say, it takes a village to raise a child. We are glad to have emulated this spirit with our like-minded partners who provided so much for our children's learning on this episode.

Channel newsasia (cna)

Our centre principal, Alfred Chong, was featured in an article by Channel NewsAsia (CNA) [URL] for his completion in his Master of Education (Policy, Curriculum & Learning) programme 【硕士学位(教育政策,课程及学习专科)with the National Institute of Education (NIE) of Singapore 【新加坡南洋理工大学国立教育学院】. He shared how the programme has helped his better understanding in curriculum, teaching and learning for preschoolers, and enabled him to introduce improved teaching practices for more impactful learning to happen in our Wat Patthar Educare Centre.

office of graduate studies & professional learning - nie

Alfred was also featured in National Institute of Education (NIE) for his achievement in the Master of Education programme [URL].